
The following explains how to create a certificate with the new certificate manager.
You can access the application page via the following link: https://cert-manager.com/customer/DFN/ssl/OTH-AW-Server-Zertifikat-AAI

Click on your Institution.

Type OTH.


Choose Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden.

Choose "OTH-AAI-SSL-Serverzertifikat-mit-CSR"

Upload your CSR (generated by your machine).
Your certificate sign request will then be checked and approved.

After approval, your certificate will appear in the overview. You will also receive the following e-mail:

Select here:
For Windows Server PKCS 7.
For Linux Server Certificate (w/issuer after).

You can then install the certificate on your machine as usual.